Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sleepy Helpers

Well . . . at the moment I'm just sitting in a Fairfield Inn in Colorado while on a business trip.  Evenings are always the most boring of times on these trips.  However, this evening was busier than normal-- I worked on my taxes for a little while, had a conference call meeting, Skyped with my family, read my usual slate of online news sites, took care of some business items for another company, and now . . . . I sit here at 11:05 pm with my iPhone plugged into my computer--playing my only playlist of songs (which has a whopping total of FIVE songs) over . . . and over . . . and over.. . while remaining WIDE AWAKE.

I have a meeting to get to tomorrow morning at 7am, and probably won't get to sleep until 1am UNLESS I ACTIVATE MY ARSENAL OF SLEEPY-HELPERS.

They are: John Adams (somewhere between Chapter 5 and Chapter 12) and AdvilPM

That's right.  I've found that by (1) playing the audio book "John Adams" by David McCullough, and (2) taking one AdvilPM--I am quickly on my way to slumberville.  . . . .Yes, you read correctly--"slumberville."

So next time you're on the road in some far-away place, and are having trouble counting sheep, just remember my two ingredient recipe--now affectionately referred to as John Adamsvil PM.

Good night.


  1. Good to know, Ben. We'll keep them both handy. Last night I watched the movie John Adams while trying to fall asleep late in the night and it didn't have quite the same effect. I'll have to get the audio book... Hope all is well!

  2. There are some audio books that just put me to sleep, regardless of what time of the day it is. I guess it all depends on the reader.
